Facilities for Sorting, Composting and MBT
The sorting installations serve annual capacities between 30,000 - 60,000 tons of waste consisting of fractions: paper / cardboard, PET, plastic, textiles, glass, aluminum, etc. The waste obtained in the process of sorting enter into the recycling stream or is collected by the recycling specialized companies. The refused materials are compacted and transported to special ecological pits.
The sorting installations are designed and dimensioned according to the regional population figure, the nature of household waste, the available area and the financial resources of the contractor from that area.
A sorting installation includes, as appropriate, the following categories of machines and equipments: sorting cabins, rotary sieves, belt conveyors - channel, inclined (with special scrapers) with rubber belt and /or chain, magnetic or electromagnetic separators to extract the ferrous and nonferrous metals (Al, Cu, Ag), containers and presscontainers, equipments for filtration -ventilation and air conditioning, etc..